Sunday 6 August 2017

Brexit negotiators have been accused of trying to "ram through" a £36bn divorce bill while most of the Cabinet is on holiday amid a furious backlash from ministers and senior eurosceptic Conservatives.

The Sunday Telegraph yesterday disclosed that senior Whitehall officials have concluded that the offer is the only way to break the deadlock in negotiations and push ahead with discussions on a future trade deal.

The  scale of the divorce bill has infuriated eurosceptic Cabinet ministers and Tory MPs, many of whom believe that Britain is under no legal obligation to pay anything it leaves the EU and should in fact get some money back.

Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, told MPs three weeks ago that European leaders can "go whistle" if they expect Britain to pay an "exorbitant" divorce bill for leaving the EU.

It comes as Theresa May and senior eurosceptic Cabinet ministers including Mr Johnson...

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